inherent risk of buying a house in the winter

The Inherent Risk of Buying a Home in the Winter

When buying a home there come some inherent risks, especially when purchasing a used home. However, purchasing a home in the winter time brings some additional inherent risks that you may not know about. Now before I start I want to say that you will probably hear from real estate agents that winter is the best time to buy a house. I’m not necessarily arguing […]

GearLight Flashlight Review

GearLight Flashlight Review

As a home inspector the tool I use most is undoubtedly a flashlight. In this very first installment of Rigid Reviews I review my favorite flashlight, the GearLight. The past 4+ years I have been inspecting homes I have gone through or tried at least 30 different flashlights. I landed on this one as my favorite and most reliable flashlight: GearLight (Buy on Amazon). The […]

dont negotiate stupid things on a home inspection report

Don’t Negotiate Stupid Things on a Home Inspection Report

You may be asking yourself  “What constitutes as a stupid thing to negotiate from a home inspection report?” Over my years in this industry I’ve been part of a variety of transactions that were stuck in negotiations over extremely minor and stupid stuff that had me saying to myself “They really requested that to be fixed out of everything in that report??”. That, coupled with […]

how much does a home inspection cost?

How Much Does a Home Inspection Cost?

You’ve landed here wanting to know how much a home inspection costs I suppose? Here I will tell you how much a home inspection costs, but keep in mind that there are many variables to this question. Below I open up and get completely transparent with my pricing, so let’s get started! First off, it’s unfortunately not as easy as just giving you a price […]

radon testing ofallon missouri

O’Fallon Missouri Radon Testing

Rigid Inspections, LLC offers Radon testing in O’Fallon Missouri. We also do Radon testing in St. Charles county, St. Louis County, and St. Louis city. What is Radon? Radon is a radioactive, colorless, odorless, tasteless gas, occurring naturally as a decay product of radium. Radon enters your home through the soil and it is everywhere, some areas just have higher levels of it. Why is Radon […]

Code is the bare minimum

“Code” is the Bare Minimum

I do a fair amount of new construction inspections. On occasion the builder has push back on my report when I write up defects/items on their new house. The common quotes from them are “It meets code” or “That’s not Code”. Yes that may be true, BUT… Code is a minimum. Code is the absolute bare minimum that is required by law for a new […]

dont be fooled by nice interior finishes

Don’t Be Fooled by Online Listing Photos

As a home inspector I see this happen often and even I get fooled by these techniques. A client calls me looking for a home inspection on a home they are potentially buying. I look up the address online and look through the photos and think “oh what a nice house”. Come inspection day I arrive at the house and after looking at the outside […]

Grandfathered is not a thing

“Grandfathered” is Not a Thing

A word I hear tossed around a lot in the real estate industry is “Grandfathered”. What is the meaning of that term? In the housing and real estate industry it’s a term I will sometimes hear agents or sellers use to down play issues that come up in an inspection report. By definition it means “exempt from new law or regulation”. Why?…Because it’s old?…that’s insensible! […]

Agent Tip: Don't Reword Inspection Report Comments

Agent Tip: Don’t Re-Word Inspection Report Comments

Welcome to my new blog post series called Agent Tips! For the first tip we’re going to talk about re-wording inspection report comments for your inspection response/request sheet. If you don’t feel like reading this whole post then here is the TL;DR… Don’t Re-Word Inspection Report Comments for your inspection response. You are not qualified to do so and in doing so it opens you […]

Home inspectors are generalists not specialists

Home Inspectors Are Not Specialists

A recent conversation with another home inspector friend of mine prompted me to write this article. We, as home inspectors, are not specialists. A common misconception of people who hire home inspectors is that the inspectors are specialists with a superior source of home knowledge and ability to explain any problem and the fix for it. This is not entirely true. Yes home inspectors are very knowledgeable when it comes […]

Certified Master Inspector

I Am Now A Certified Master Inspector

Contact: Zac Knoblauch, CMI® Rigid Inspections, LLC (636) 336-6634 (618) 975-7031 info@rigidinspections.com www.rigidinspections.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Zac Knoblauch Earns Certified Master Inspector® Designation O’Fallon, MO. (Nov. 15, 2019)– Rigid Inspections is pleased to announce that Zac Knoblauch is now credentialed as a Certified Master Inspector (CMI)® , which is the home inspection industry’s top professional designation. The Master Inspector Certification Board has awarded the Certified Master Inspector […]